EI-Nadourah Fortress in El-Kharga Oasis Egypt | Pharaonic Tourist attractions in New Valley Governorate, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Al Dier “El Munira Monastery” Bahariya oasis Egypt | Coptic Tourist attractions in New Valley Governorate, Facts, location, plan, Bio, Discover historical facts about the building, how to get there, and more.

Egypt Historical Sites Map

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments Discover Facts, History Ancient Pharaonic Civilization, Pharaohs Tourist attractions, Museums, Activities , Places to Visit , Best Time to in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Hurghada  Egypt Historical Sites Map Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…   Egyptian Tombs | Pharaonic Tombs Egyptian Temples Egypt Archaeological Sites Egyptology | Egyptology Egyptian Monuments Egyptian Antiquities    

Al Muzawaka Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt | Facts Roman Necropolis “Al-Mazouka” in the New Valley, History Pharaonic Tombs, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. history and facts of building the most important tombs of the Roman era, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. Al-Mazouqa tombs are located approximately 5 km from the village of Al-Qasr, which is in the same valley, approximately

Temple of Hibis in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts of New Valley Temples, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. The Temple of Hibis is one of the most important ancient Egyptian temples and also important tourist attractions in the Arab Republic of

Deir el-Hagar Temple in Dakhla Oasis Egypt | Facts Roman Temple in New Valley, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. In fact, the temple of Deir al-Hajar, the subject of our conversation today, is one of the most important archaeological sites that

Dush Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts New Valley Temples, History Temple of Qasr Dush , Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The ancient temple of Dosh is located approximately 120 kilometers from the city of Kharga. The “Dush” temple is also

Temple of Amon in Siwa Oasis Egypt | Facts the Temple of the Oracle in Marsa Matruh, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts about the Temple of Revelation and the history of building the Temple and Neighborhood of Amun, the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. The Temple of Revelation, known as the

Ghweita Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts Qasr al-Ghweita Temple in New Valley, History Kasr El-Zayan, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the Temple of Qasr Al-Ghuwaita, the most important ancient temple of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The temple is considered to be the safe haven that enjoyed the trade routes in

El Zayan Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts Qasr El-Zayyan Temple in New Valley, History Kasr El-Zayan, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the Qasr El-Zayan Temple, the most important ancient temple of the Pharaohs from the Ptolemaic era, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The temple of “Al-Zayan” in the Kharga Oasis is a meeting

New Valley Museum in oasis, Egypt | Map Kharga Attractions, Facts, Entrance Fees Price, Opening Hours, Artifacts, Antiquities and more about The Wadi El-Gedid Museum from Inside. Facts and history of building Egypt’s most important historical and archaeological museums, how much entry tickets are, official working hours and times, and more. Discover the history of the rulers of the ancient pharaohs and the secrets that were discovered about the life

Qila al-Dabba Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, Balat, Egypt | Facts Mastabas, History pharaonic tombs in Western Desert New Valley, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of the construction of the most important pharaonic tombs and archaeological terraces in the Western Desert, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket, and more. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna

Ain Asil in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt | Facts Ayn Asil, History Pharaonic Archaeological Sites in Balat, New Valley Governorate, Map Qila el-Dab’a, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… The facts of the terraces of the castles of the Dabba, the history of the most important Pharaonic archaeological sites in the oases, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours and more. Ain al-Aseel Castle is an archaeological site located in

Bir esh-Shaghala Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Necropolis, History, Map, Inscriptions and more. Facts and history of building pharaonic tombs from the Roman era, the secrets they contain for the lives of the ancient Egyptians, the price of the entrance ticket, opening times and more. What is proud of is that the Egyptian archaeological mission that is actually affiliated to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Bashendi Village in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley, Egypt | Facts, History, Map Bashandi Archeological Site and more… Discover the most important monuments in the tourist area, what are the price of the entrance ticket, opening times and more. Ezbet Bashandi is the largest tourist village in the Dakhla Oasis region, and it is one of the most important oases in the Great Sahara region, and it is a large center

Al-Qasr Islamic City in the Dakhla Oasis Egypt | History of El Qasr Village in Bahariya oasis, Facts the oldest historical heritage Islamic cities and more. Facts and history of building the oldest historical heritage Islamic cities, what are the working hours, entry ticket prices and more. The Islamic city of Al-Qasr is like the bride of the oases in the New Valley region.. It is an open historical museum

Tombs of Bagawat in the Kharga Oasis, New Valley, Egypt | Facts, History of The Necropolis of Bagawat, Map and more… The history and facts of the construction of the most important ancient Christian cemetery in the ancient civilization of Egypt and the secrets it contains about the lives of the ancient Egyptians, the dates of the visit, the prices of entry tickets and more. The Bagwat is a group